FPrimeC Solutions was retained by Borea Construction (Client) to perform quality assurance and concrete inspection of wind turbine foundation in Windrise Wind project in Alberta.The client was interested to evaluate the presence of potential voids and/or anomalies on or around the post-tensioning anchor rods in the foundation block before installation of the shaft and turbine.
Solution: Inspection of Wind Turbine Foundation using Ultrasonic Crosshole
Following communication with the client, a test plan involving a customized version of Ultrasonic Crosshole Testing was proposed. The foundation block was a circular mass concrete element (diameter 12 m, height appx 3.5 m). For each test area, two access tubes were drilled on either side of the anchor rods (4 in total), creating 6 test paths for the Ultrasonic Crosshole Test. Several configurations were used to collect information on the quality and integrity of the foundation block around the rods.
Waterfall plots and Crosshole Tomography maps were developed to study the quality and integrity of the concrete in each test area. The test provided key information about the soundness of the foundation in the areas of interest.
To learn more about FPrimeC’s capabilities and our non-destrcutive testing solutions for wind turbines, visit: