Corrosion in Concrete
Corrosion in concrete structures is a significant and widespread problem with far-reaching implications. Corrosion increases the risk of structural failure, unplanned asset downtime, and reduce the service life of the structures.
FPrimeC Solutions provides the most comprehensive inspection, monitoring, and testing solutions for corrosion in concrete structures. We help asset owners and maintenance managers with accurate and reliable data about the existing condition of their assets.
Corrosion Inspection and Monitoring
- Digital Visual Inspection, Drone Inspection
- Rapid Screening using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
- Half-Cell Corrosion Potential Mapping
- Corrosion Rate Measurement
- Surface Electrical Resistivity
- Impact-Echo Testing
- Ultrasonic Pulse Echo Tomography
Corrosion of Steel Structures
Corrosion of steel components and structures is one of most common issues in industrial plants. Corrosion increases the risk of structural failure, unplanned asset downtime, and reduce the service life of the structures.
We provide a holistic approach to for corrosion inspection and control. Our methodology relies on routine inspection of the asset, conducting necessary inspection and testing of critical components (welds, anchors, etc).
Corrosion Inspection and Monitoring
- Digital Visual Inspection, Drone Inspection
- Ultrasonic Testing (Thickness Estimate)
- Magnetic Particle
- Assess Corrosion under Insulation (CUI).
- Laboratory Tests