FPrimeC Solutions provides innovative non-destructive testing and monitoring solutions for cost-effective and reliable inspection and testing of concrete dams.

Our NDT solutions can help customers with surface and sub-surface inspection and monitoring of concrete dams, waterways and spillways:

  • Detect Major voids and discontinuities
  • Detect poor quality concrete
  • Map freeze-thaw damage in concrete dams
  • Identify and Quantify Alkali-Silica Reactions
  • Corrosion Inspection and Monitoring
Non-Destructive Evaluation of Concrete Dam

Ultrasonic Scanning

FPrimeC Solutions provides advanced ultrasonic testing solutions to scan existing surface defects (crack depth), and pinpoint sub-surface defects and anomalies.

  • Crack Depth Measurement
    • Evaluate depth and width of surface cracks
    • Quantitative analysis of extent of concrete cracking and damage index
    • Quality Control/Quality Assurance of Cold Joints
  • Detect Sub-Surface Voids and Defects
    • identify location of major voids
    • identify extent of Honeycombing
    • identify homogeneity and consistency issues 


Read More: Ultrasonic Testing of Concrete

Ultrasonic Scanning of Concrete
seismic tomography

Impact-Echo and Impulse-Response Scanning

Impulse-Response Methods (Transient Method) and Impact-Echo provide a great too for scanning concrete elements in dams, and spillways. 

Impact echo is a great method to identify the depth and location of delamination in concrete slabs, and spillways. 

Impulse-Response method is used to locate voids and defects underneath the concrete slabs.

Condition Survey for Bridge Decks - Impact Echo

Ground Penetrating Radar

FPrimeC Solutions provides expert data collection & superior ground penetrating radar solutions tailored to your unique challenge. Weather you are scanning concrete to locate rebar, or using GPR to identify and locate sub-surface defects, our NDT experts can help you.

  • Pinpoint Structural Detail
    • locate steel rebar
    • locate post-tensioning tendons
    • locate conduits and pipes
    • estimate the cover thickness
    • estimate concrete thickness
  • Detect Sub-Surface Voids
    • identify location of major voids
    • locate cavities


Read More: Ground Penetrating Radar

Concrete Scanning and Imaging