FPrimeC Solutions was hired by Canadian Cutting and Coring (Toronto) Ltd. to perform Non-destructive Testing to Evaluate the Thickness on Concrete Walls at TTC Islington Station Toronto, Ontario. The client was interested in verifying the thickness of the concrete wall and to determine if there are changes along its length.
Nondestructive Testing to
Evaluate Thickness of Concrete Walls – TTC Islington
Four areas were investigated in this project. The areas are located near the entrance of the subway station (Islington Ave). The wall elements are reinforced concrete walls. A systematic test grid was used to assess and verify thickness at 2 ft spacing. Impact-Echo test was used to evaluate the concrete wall thickness.
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) was used to verify the location of steel reinforcement. Hammer Sounding and Visual Inspection was conducted, and structural drawings were provided.