FPrimeC Solutions was retained by Associated Engineering (AEV, Client) to perform Inspection of Valve Chamber in Oakville, ON (Halton Region). The client was interested in evaluating the current condition of concrete roof inside the concrete valve chamber, perform structural integrity evaluation, rebar scanning, and concrete soundness test.
Inspection of Valve Chamber

The main valve chamber is a cast-in-place reinforced concrete structure. However, the lid concrete lid components are precast concrete elements. Client was interested to know if the existing roof element has adequate capacity and satisfactory integrity to resist the new design load cases.
1- Visual Inspection of Valve Chamber
Following communication with the client, a test plan involving visual inspection and hammer sounding of the concrete lid was designed. Through visual inspection, potential surface defects were identified and recorded. Hammer sounding help identify potential delamination in concrete elements.
2- Nondestructive Testing of Valve Chamber components
Three different non-destructive test methods were used to assess the Valve Chamber. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) scans were used to verify the location and distribution of steel bars in the valve chamber components. Rebar cover thickness kit was used to evaluate the size and depth of steel bars.
Later, Ultrasonic Pulse Echo Tomography was used to evaluate and verify the thickness of concrete lid. To learn more about our Nondetsructive Testing solutions for Condition Assessment of concrete structures, visit: https://www.fprimec.com/services/structural-condition-assessment/