FPrimeC Solutions was retained by Kiewit-Eurovia-Vinci (KEV, Client) to perform Structural Assessment of Concrete Watermain Station in Ottawa LRT Expansion Project. The client was interested to evaluate the current condition of concrete walls and roof inside the concrete chamber, perform structural integrity evaluation, rebar scanning, and concrete soundness test.

NDT-based Structural Assessment of Concrete Watermain Station
The watermain station is a segmental concrete component. As a result of LRT construction and highway expansion, the loads (dead) had changed. Client was interested to know if the existing walls and roof has adequate strength and satisfactory integrity to resist the design load cases.
Following communication with the client, a test plan involving Ground Penetrating Radar (rebar scanning), and hammer sounding was designed and executed. GPR scans were used to verify the location and distribution of steel bars (later used for Finite Element Modeling), and detecting potential major voids in concrete elements. Hammer sounding was used to assess potentoal delamination in the concrete elements.
To learn more about FPrimeC’s capabilities and our non-destructive testing solutions for structural assessment, visit: