FPrimeC Solutions provides the most innovative solutions for corrosion testing of concrete structures. Our inspection and testing solutions help owners and maintenance managers with accurate and reliable data about the existing condition of their assets.
Our experts work closely with you to understand your performance objectives, and help you with cost-effective inspection, repair and restoration solutions. Our corrosion testing solutions can be used for a wide range of constructed facilities:
- Bridge Decks
- Parking Garages
- Industrial Facilities (Oil and Energy)
- Mines
- Marine Structures (Jetty Structures)
- Post-Tensioned Concrete Beams and Girders

Half-Cell Corrosion Potential
Half Cell Corrosion Potential mapping offers a rapid, cost-effective and non-destructive way for corrosion assessment of steel in concrete.
The test provides valuable information on the likelihood of corrosion, and helps in the quality assurance of concrete repair and rehabilitation.
Several standard associations have standardized the test procedure including the ASTM C 876, UNI 10174, RILEM TC 154 and MTO.
Depending on the measured half cell corrosion potential value, the probability of active corrosion is determined.
Read More: Half-Cell Corrosion Potential Mapping

Corrosion Rate Measurement
FPrimeC Solutions provides a range of engineering solutions for accurate assessment of corrosion rate of steel reinforcement in concrete structures.
We utilize the most reliable technologies for evaluating the kinetics of corrosion reactions. Our testing and engineering solutions help evaluate the remaining service life of concrete assets.

Electrical Resistivity Tests
Electrical Resistivity tests provide a rapid, and cost-effective solution for quality control and evaluating durability performance of concrete structures.
Electrical Resistivity methods area already replacing labour-intensive and time-consuming tests such as the “Rapid Chloride Permeability Test-RCPT”. Electrical Resistivity measurements can be used to evaluate corrosion rate, chloride diffusion coefficient, and water absorption.
Learn More: Electrical Resistivity of Concrete

Ground Penetrating Radar
FPrimeC Solutions provides expert data collection & superior ground penetrating radar solutions tailored to your unique challenge.
GPR scanning can be used for rapid screening of bridge decks, and to identify the extent and location of delaminated areas in concrete bridge deck survey, or in the inspection of parking garages.
Learn More: What is Ground Penetrating Radar?

Laboratory Tests
FPrimeC Solutions support its customers with highest quality laboratory testing on concrete materials and samples:
- Chain Drag Test and Hammer Sounding
- Extracting concrete core samples
- Determine Chloride Content, and Chloride Profile
- Determine Carbonation Depth