What is Pile Integrity Test?
Pile Integrity test (PIT), or as ASTM D5882 refers to it as “low strain impact integrity testing of deep foundation is a widely used nondestructive test method for the evaluation of pile quality, integrity and to help estimate the unknown length of existing piles and foundations. Pile integrity test can be either used for for forensic evaluations on existing piles, or quality assurance in the new construction. The integrity test is applicable to driven concrete piles and cast-in-place piles.
How to Perform Pile Integrity Test
grity test (PIT), or as ASTM D5882 refers to it as “low strain impact integrity testing of deep foundation is a widely used nondestructive test method for the evaluation of pile quality, integrity and to help estimate the unknown length of existing piles and foundations. Pile integrity test can be either used for for forensic evaluations on existing piles, or quality assurance in the new construction. The integrity test is applicable to driven concrete piles and cast-in-place piles.
How to Perform a PIT test with iPile?
Pile Integrity Test (PIT) is normally performed by striking the pile head with a light hand-held hammer and recording the response of the pile using a motion transducer (i.e. accelerometer) coupled to the pile head. The hammer strike (blows) generate compressive stress wave that will travel through the pile. This wave is partly reflected from the pile toe or other anomalies within the pile in its way back to pile head. Any change in impedance (due to change in pile cross section, concrete density, or shaft-soil properties) within the pile can impact the reflecting signal.
Los Ensayos de Integridad de Pilotes
Los ensayos de integridad de pilotes suministran información sobre las dimensiones físicas, la continuidad o la consistencia de los materiales empleados en los pilotes. Los ensayos de integridad de pilotes constituyen una potente herramienta de trabajo que permiten determinar la existencia de defectos en los pilotes. i.Pile utiliza el método sónico, con martillo de mano, para el control de pilotes, sin que sea preciso ninguna preparación especial del pilote ni interferir con la marcha de la obra, dada la sencillez y rapidez del ensayo.
📙 Farid Moradi and Hamed Layssi (2018) “Non-destructive Testing for Integrity Testing of Concrete Piles” Piling Canada Magazine, 2018-Q1, Read Here
📙Hamed Layssi and Farid Moradi (2018) “Pile Integrity Testing” Piling Canada Magazine, 2018-Q3, Read Here
📙 Farid Moradi, Hamed Layssi, and Ignacio Zuloaga (2019) “Application of Non-Destructive Testing Solutions in Integrity Evaluation of New and Existing Foundations“, Piling Canada Magazine, 2019-Q4, Read Here