Structural and durability performance of concrete tanks depend on the strength and quality of concrete materials. Excessive cracking can result in leakage problems, which might be extremely dangerous to the public and environment (read more). Non-destrcutive testing of concrete tanks is a cost-effective and reliable way to keep them safe, and optimize maintenance costs.
Storage tanks can be one of the most aggressive environments for concrete. They require proper and routine inspection and maintenance. Most of these structures have very limited downtime windows during the inspection season. That is where NDT solutions can help minimize the inspection timeline and cost, and increase safety:
- Structural evaluation of tank walls
- Assessment of concrete durability (permeability)
- Corrosion inspection and testing
- Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation
- Concrete strength
- Structural detail (rebar spacing, cover thickness)
- Concrete cracks
- Sub-surface defects with one-side access
Concrete Tanks have been used for water and wastewater storage and treatment. They also shape an integral part of many industrial plants, such as chemical plants, and paper mills.
Ultrasonic Scanning
FPrimeC Solutions provides advanced ultrasonic testing solutions to scan existing surface defects (crack depth), and pinpoint sub-surface defects and anomalies.
- Crack Depth Measurement
- Evaluate depth and width of surface cracks
- Quantitative analysis of extent of concrete cracking and damage index
- Detect Sub-Surface Voids and Defects
- identify location of major voids
- identify extent of Honeycombing
- identify homogeneity and consistency issues
Read More: Ultrasonic Testing of Concrete
Ground Penetrating Radar
FPrimeC Solutions provides expert data collection & superior ground penetrating radar solutions tailored to your unique challenge. Weather you are scanning concrete to locate rebar, or using GPR to identify and locate sub-surface defects, our NDT experts can help you.
- Pinpoint Structural Detail
- locate steel rebar
- locate post-tensioning tendons
- locate conduits and pipes
- estimate the cover thickness
- estimate concrete thickness
- Detect Sub-Surface Voids
- identify location of major voids
Read More: Ground Penetrating Radar
Durability Tests – Concrete Permeability
Concrete material properties plays a key role in the durability performance of the concrete tank. A dense, good quality concrete provides protection for the steel rebar, and prevents dangerous leakage of chemicals to the environment.
- Half-Cell Corrosion Potential Mapping
- Corrosion Rate Measurement and Mapping
- Surface Electrical Resistivity Scanning
Read More: Corrosion Inspection in RC Structures
Read More: Surface Electrical Resistivity