An Exclusive Live Webinar
Nondestructive Testing
Quality Control of Concrete
Hosted by Hamed Layssi, PhD, PEng
18 Feb 2021 || 11:00 AM (EDT)
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Here is what you will learn in this webinar
The technical webinar will focus on:
- Review of Most Common Challenges in Concrete Construction
- Concrete Quality and Integrity
- Concrete Strength Issues (Low Breaks)
- Quality of Concrete around Cold Joints
- Structural Detail, and Design/Built Verification
- Integrity and Quality in Deep Foundations
- NDT methods for Quality Control and Quality Assurance
- Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity and Pulse Echo
- Rebound Hammer
- Concrete Imaging and Scanning Techniques
- How NDT can Save Time and Money in Construction Projects
Who Should Attend ?
- Contractors and Structural Engineers
- Quality Control / Quality Assurance Auditors
- Construction Engineers
- Project Managers
Why NDT ?
Nondestructive Testing have great applications in the concrete construction industry. It helps designer, construction engineers, and contractors the ability to verify the quality and integrity of built structures, identify and quantify potential defects, and record as-built condition like never before.
Dr. Layssi, who will be hosting this webinar, has more than 10 years of experience in the assessment of concrete structures using NDT methods. He has witnessed how NDT can help identify and quantify location and extent of potential defects in a relatively short time, and on a very good budget.
About the Host

Dr. Hamed Layssi, PEng is the structural engineer at FPrimeC Solutions. He has been involved with the Concrete industry for over 15 years as a professional engineer, industrial research and development specialist, researcher and scholar. Dr. Layssi is a registered professional engineer in Ontario since 2014, hold a PhD from McGill University, Canada, and have received the 2018 entrepreneurship award from the PEO, Ottawa Chapter.
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